
A mobile floor for heavy duty

ArmorDeck is constructed to handle the loads from trucks and other vehicles. From the ArmorDeck portfolio you will find solutions that make it possible for you to use heavy loaded vehicles like semi-trucks, cranes, manitous and other weight carriers. 

A market leader

Multiarena AS has got a market leading position inside the nordic countries, thanks to the ArmorDeck portfolio. The product line has given us a lot of experiences from the heavy duty market segment, where ArmorDeck is a familiar product for the biggest national stadiums. ArmorDeck portfolio has for years been a preferred product by stadium owners and event organizers for the largest concert arrangements, not only in the nordic countries, but around the world.


High point pressure values and stability

Please note that the very solid hoop connectors between the modules are spreading the weight and make ArmorDeck stability stronger.

Additionally to these hoop connectors, ArmorDeck portfolio can be locked to eachother. Every module has three camlocks, and during the installation these camlocks are twisted around with a special tool from a standing position.

ArnorDeck is used during concerts, winter classic arrangements, in industrial tents or temporary storages, for car and boat expoes etc.

ArmorDeck product line and equipments give you a superior quality up against you spesification demands.

The entrepreneurs nr1 for use in temporary tents

ArmorDeck should also be a preferred solution for constructors who want to establish a temporary, or a semi-permanent floor in industrial storages and tents. 

If ArmorDeck3 is chosen. you will also have a drivable floor that gives the floor isolation during the winter season! 

ArmorDeck is special constructed as a floor for arenaes and stadiums. This means some limatations for the construction business. ArmorDeck has to be installed at an even ground. The terrain can be sloping, but not hilly. ArmorDeck has also some demands for the surface below. It can be grass, mold, sand or fine gravel. Courser materials have to be removed before installation takes place.  

Standard colour in grey, translucent or transparent

ArmorDeck is normally deliverd in two basic grey colors, grey or light grey. Special RAL-colors can be delivered as custom color for big volumes.

Product guide

(Push the products for more informasjon)

Heavy duty flooring for natural grass.

The strongest floor in the ArmorDeck portfolio


