
Closed floor system for protection of synthetic turf.

Ultra Deck 2 is a closed floor system; specially produced for the protection of artificial turf.

UltraDeck2 is also a particularly good product for other indoor events. Feel free to use UltraDeck as a trade fair floor in a tent or hall, or as an industrial floor in an industrial tent or in an industrial hall. 

The tire system is robustly designed to withstand light load carriers, and all vehicles covered under a B-certificate. 

Gentle construction

UltraDeck2 is 2,858cm (1.12in) high, and distributes the weight optimally through a gentle substructure, where the contact surface with the artificial grass is rounded. An event will then affect a smaller area of ​​the artificial turf. After the event, the area should still be rubbed up again. 

Prevents fluid permeation

A closed system allows a minimum of liquid to escape to the artificial turf. 

Use of UltraDeck2 outdoors

Multiarena AS primarily recommends floors that allows the photosynthesis to continue, and which also drain water. UltraDeck2 does not do this. When used outdoors, UltraDeck2 must be configured with expansion modules to counteract waveforms in the material in the event of incident sunlight.