Your ice hall becomes an event arena
Turn your skating arena or ice hockey arena into a multi-arena, and realize the additional income opportunities that lie in a real multi-purpose facility.
More time with ice in your hall
With a mobile floor that can protect the ice during variable events, you will not have to remove the ice before other events.
Solid mobile floor for difefrent kind of arrangements
With ArmorDeck Ice from Multiarena you can accomodate to the most ambitious desires for rig operations inside your facility. If it should be hevy loaded forklifts, manitous, trucks, semi-trucks or other kind of transport.
ArmorDeck Ice has very solid loop connectors for spreading weight also between the modules. Additinally each module has three solid camlocks. You will never have a bad experience with modules tearing apart from eachother.
ArmorDeck has 2 inches (5sm) aero isolation. With a good ventialtion control system in your hall, you can rise the room temperature to a very comfortable level.
First time installtion and installing time
Ved førstegangs installasjon tilbys «cut-to-rink installation» hvor man spesialskjærer moduler inntil vantet, og merker disse for senere bruk.
Når spesialmodulene er tilskjært, så vil det normalt ta en arbeidsgruppe på 12 mann et par timer å klargjøre ishallen for et event med ArmorDeck Ice.
Chose of color
The standard colors are light grey or grey. Other RAL-colors can be requested. What about your club colors?
ArmorDeck used as an isolating floor for other sports
Et mobilt håndballgulv, eller ethvert annet mobilt sportsgulv, kan gjerne benyttes på ArmorDeck Ice. Multiarena anbefaler en tykkelse på minimum 6,5mm.
Multiarena AS tilbyr også CarpetDeck overgulv, som foruten å være en estetisk nytelse, også gir ytterligere isolasjon.
No cracks or rot
Opposite to wood or plywood, ArmorDeck Ice will not curl up, rot, crack or fade. ArmorDeck Ice is resistant to water and is produced to withstand temperature variations, moisture and condensation.
ArmorDeck Ice can always be installed and maintained without any of such problems.
Safe delivery
When you order an ice cover from Multiarena, you also know that you have the world's largest manufacturer of mobile floors behind you.
Signature Systems LLC will be present with its own supervisor to ensure the quality of your "cut-to-rink-installation".
Multiarena Ice Cover solutions:
- Transforming any ice arena to a multi-purpose fascility!
- Easy to install, maintain and store
- Protecting your ice
- Gives isolation and a dry floor for your guests, table and chairs, and all your equipment.
- Cost effective
- Ideal solution for concerts, expoes and other arrangements.
- Torgny Lars Bakken
- +47 900 20 782
- torgny@multiarena.no
- Andre Holthe
- +47 928 86 818
- andre@multiarena.no